CAIS: How Technology is Disrupting the Alternative Investment Industry

November 7, 2017 6:36 pm |

If there’s one thing that alternative investment professionals can agree on, it’s that technology is reshaping the industry. Just as robo-advisors and electronic trading have changed how we think about traditional investment management, technology is now poised to disrupt the world of alternative investment management.

This was the consensus view at a recent New York City satellite event hosted by the Cayman Alternative Investment Summit (CAIS), which brought together fund managers, institutional investors and former CAIS speakers for an evening of networking and conversation. According to an informal survey of attendees, an overwhelming majority of respondents (83%) said that their firms will increase spending on data, technology or analytics in 2018, and 30% said that cybersecurity was the top global threat for 2018, evidence of the industry’s current hyper-focus on technology.